This unique probiotic supplement gives your gut a dose of friendly bacteria that offers your body real relief from digestive distress. Combining the top widely recommended probiotics for the targeted relief of acute bowel distress while supporting the intestinal microflora that assists digestion and reduces bloating. Great for travelling, it will help correct possible disruption in the colon microflora, that prevents diarrhoea. Benefits:
- A unique and powerfully complex formula containing 5 bacterial strains.
- Targeted relief for acute bowel distress.
- Supports a healthy intestinal environment and immune response.
- Suitable during the use of antibiotics.
- Assists with bloating, constipation and diarrhoea.
- Provides targeted support for healthy intestinal function – great for use when travelling.
- Designed for reliable outcomes and acute care with a concentrated dose of Saccharomyces Boulardii.
- 100% natural - does not contain anything other than the active ingredients listed. So no pesticides, allergens, artificial flavours, sweetners, preservatives, dairy, gluten, wheat, yeast, soya, heavy metals or GMO's.
- Suitable for vegans.
- EMA approved To purchase your supply of Probiona, shop directly from our website, from Take-A-Lot or from MOPANI Online. Call Us: +27 (0)21 554 2389